Sunday, November 22, 2009

Barcoola MKII mods

Hi All

I have been a little busy with work lately, but this weekend I finally have both days off. Yesterday, I managed to modify four of the new boards. Two Holes were cut in the bases of each ends of the boards. This enabled bolt holes to be drilled for transit bolts to be installed. These bolts were installed, from the inside of the boards, and screwed into T nuts that were hammered into the blanking - transit ends. This means that we will no longer have to screw and un screw the ends for transit (this arrangment was temporary anyway). So for our next exhibition each board should be ready for assembily with the removal of 4 bolts per board. This will make set up and take down even easier. I am happy with this configuration and will be incorporating this design into Alice Springs.

Anyway I am off to rebuild the remaining Original boards, have a good one.
