Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Barcoola #AD1 DA2 research



ARG 22 class shunting FQWY at Dry Creek



DA2 Willcalla

DA2 at Wirrappa




Hi All

In the endless persuit of research, above are some shots of AD1 DA2, and their components.

Obviously FQ1 to F04 are on the top of the list, currently there is no suitable equivalent, you might want to look at a fourth coming SCT class from Railmotor models as a start.
ALF's will have to be kitbashed from a BL class, with a C class mech. I have one in progress.
CLF and CLP from Austrains, decal changes, the favorites CLP16 etc have the EPIC brake system fitted, so you will see it all the time on this service.
GM, fourth coming from Trainorama, but they don't have the right numbers that survived or the right colours. Lima kitbash is still available.
EL class, Auscision, nice mech just toooo easy.
VL I think there is a fourth coming kit out there, Austrains X class mech required.
FDAY: BGB 100 class bluebird, but hard to come by.
RKWF: usually one loaded with steel for Darwin of Alice Springs, Laser kit or wait for the Auscision kit.
AQPY: container flat, Laser kit, or cut down Auscision.
FQAY: Five pack container flat 5 X 48ft. Walthers kit cut down, with new tops.
FQCY, FPPY: Two pack container flat, TOFC. Glen is working this one, working on a couple of Walthers 89ft flats.
FQWY: 48ft two pack well container wagon. BGM RQZY ends X 2
AQQY: 63ft flat. Scratch build or wait for the Auscision model....
PTMY: Fuel tanker, Atlas 23000Gal tanker.

Anyway this will give you some idea of the rollingstock used.

We can discuss containers and trailers later.



Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Barcoola part 3 to be published in Continental Modeller December 2010

Hi All

Just to let you know that The third installment of the Barcoola triogy of articles will be published in Continental Modeller in December 2010, so look out for it.

Attached is a picture of Barcoola MKI, DL36, CL2, GM44 crossing AN6, on the now replaced corner boards.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Train #347 doing the Research.........

Hi All

The key to a better representation model is good research. The example shown is the Alice Springs Down express goods between Wirrappa and Pimba, during my modeling era.

To analysis this lets look at the components of this train and what can be model.

The locomotives:
DL49 = Austrains.
AL21 = Main West body, or BGB RTR, with an Austrains C class mechanism.
Relay Van = Comeng - kit bash Con Cor sleeper car, will have to be cut down.
AFSY = try a 45ft flat scratch bulit sides. Skelton 40ft trailer Athearn. BGB 40ft refrigerator, decals will have to be custom.
ATMY = Mobil tanker, BGB decals, Atlas 23000gal tanker.
ATSF ATOY x 5 = Athearn tankers.
ACLY = Laser kit
ACAY = BGB kit
ACHY's x 6 = Double deck cattle wagons, got to be scratchbuilt, I have a plan.
ACAY's x 5 = BGB kit
ATMY = Mobil tanker, BGB decals, Atlas 23000gal tanker.
ATSF + ATOY x 7 = Athearn tankers
ATKY = Atlas 17000gal tanker
ATSF ATOY x 2 = Athearn tanker
AFSY's x 2 = 45ft flat scratchbuilt sides. Bill's trains 45ft flat trailer, tarped loads.
AFIY's x 4 = 86ft flats from Athearn. Referigerator Trailers from Trainorama.
AFSY = 45ft flat scratchbuilt sides. Referigerator Trailers from Trainorama.
AQSY, AQTY AQMY's x 13 = Steam era 63ft VQCY converted to AQTYs, AQSY, AQMY you are going to have to wait for Auscicion. 20ft 40ft containers, All to pick from Athearn, Walthers, BGB.
AQEY = Got to be scratch built, needs to include a towing frame.
RoadRailer = Athern 40ft trailer, needs one extra axle. Thermo King refigerator, Aline.

Its a start.



Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Ghan in the early 1990s

Hi All

AN decided to overhaul long distance passenger services in late 1980, and the program continued into the 1990's. The first train to be overhauled was the Ghan. Basically this meant that various coaches were taken out of service and overhauled and placed back in service in a defined campaign. This also included an external face lift. In the window panels had PVC stickers applied that faded from yellow to red. Additionally a stainless steel name panel was applied to the coach side.
In later years, the cleaning products used attacked the red sections of the PVC stickers, leaving the appearance a little ratty.

Lima has made the IP cars for good on 30 years, and for its age is a surprisingly satisfactory model as is.
For the Barcoola version of the Ghan, we have used the standard IP coaches, repainted to include the yellow to red fade. The Power car was modified to include the radiator section and exhaust.
Kadee couplers have been fitted, 8ba screws and nuts have been used to ensure reliability and strength.
The cars as is are too light, we have added weight to the underneath of each coach, using a zinc coated fitting from Bunnings in their screw and bolt aisle. It is menat to be used as a flat joiner, between to lengths for steel. It is called M/Plate reinforcing PN: RMF126 size 126.5 X 19.5 X 2.5mm. Thus this can be siliconed directly to the underneath of each coach, way too easy! We modified the whole coaching fleet in an afternoon.

They are also a perfect size for putting weight into 40ft containers.

At the time of construction there were no decals available. I tried a couple of different solutions, including a colour photocopier, which back then turned out way too expensive. At the time I was working for a company that made their own decals for their operations. I made up a detailed master for the side name panel and the AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL decal above the windows. Funny thing is that when the decals were finally available, our company made decals were more detailed!

The wheel sets were replaced with Steam Era wheel sets.

The future, I would like to fit bellows at the communication door ends, and some form of interiors, lighting might be an option, if we can find an eays way to accomplihs this.

Anyway please see attached some model and prototype pictures of the Ghan Cars circa 1990's

I have included some new model pictures enjoy.



Thursday, October 21, 2010

There is nothing like a PPM for picking it up and putting it down

Hi All

Alice Springs yard was rebuilt from narrow gauge to standard gauge over a period from about 1978 to the end of 1980. In this rebuild AN redesigned the yard to be more intermodal friendly. For example the Gantry crane from Larrimah, now dominated the yard and almost one whole side of the yard was dedicated to intermodal requirements. Along with the gantry crane, they constructed a end loading platform with two tracks serving the platform. The yard was redesigned for one entry and one out with a defined traffic flow alot like more modern terminal of today.

When you look at the yard it is a creation was way ahead of its time.

Even during the narrow gauge days intermodal operations, ie Truck on flat wagon and containers on flat wagons were becoming increasing popular methods of shipping goods to the red centre.

It made sense that this trend would continue, and AN had planned for it.
As Standard gauge operations commenced, it became obvious that the one gantry crane and end loading platform, was reaching capacity.

To throw more capacity at the situation, AN Purchased the AFIY AFWY's from the USA along with some fifth wheels to fit to older 45 and 56ft flats. This would slow the down time lashing down trailers etc.
The PPM piggy packers were purchased in 1985 (by their build dates) from the manufacture in France, one for the IFT, the other for Alice Springs. It was the dawning of a new age in intermodal. The PPM were 92tonnes in weight, and were capable of slide loading an AFIY AFWY AFSY, in seconds flat.
I am told back then this was the first such purchase for this type of work in Australia.

Obviously the PPM all worked in the confines of the IFT or Alice Springs yard so to get up close to them was pretty much impossible.

Years later lots had changed, newer side loaders became available with greater capacity and it became affordable for smaller freight companies to own side loaders. The PPM were replaced by newer equipment, NRC etc came an went.

Fast forward to 2004, I was kicking around Dry Creek north waiting for a train to roll by when I noticed a piggy packer working inside a freight companies yard, that backed on to the mainline, and it looked strangely similar to the ex AN PPM's. Deciding to ditch the train, I traced back to the companies yard from the road side. Peering into the yard I confirmed, it was infact and Ex AN PPM side loader, still in full AN livery. The guys in the yard were quite happy to let me take pictures, these are attached. They had another PPM this was painted in NRC colours.

Anyway if you want to start modeling intermodal, start looking over the fence, you might be surprised what you might find.



Sunday, October 17, 2010

Barcoola and Alice Springs and Train order working basics

Hi All

I would like to take some time out to outline the initial basics of Train Order working. On the Northern Division AN had train order working operating from Coonamina to Alice Springs NT and Parkeston WA.

Train order working had previously replaced Staff and Ticket on the CR. CR had modelled their safeworking on the VR, hence the population of VR style two position signals on the TAR. The problem with this type of train control is that every train needs to stop at every control point, to either sink the last staff and extract the next one. On a railway line like the TAR can you imagine the cost associated with stoping every train at every siding. So lets just say, you would be hard pressed to come up with a more inefficient or labour intensive time consuming way of controling trains.

Train Oder working has desinct advantages as follows:
Trains can be given one order ie from Siding A to siding F, without the need to stop at siding B to E.
With effective radio control system such as Austrak Orders can be recived "en-route" or on the move.
Signals can be taken out of service at all stations in Train Order Territory, only requires point indicators, fairly obviously staff are not required at these stations.

Ovbiously on lines such as Tarccola to Alice Springs it was built for Train order working only from day one.

For modeling Train order working is also a very effective and easy system to initiate on a model reailway layout.
Advantages are, fairly obvious, you don't need expensive signals and interlocking systems, which all take time to construct. For example Alice Springs only requires two searchlight signals, this represents a great time saving to model such and extensive yard.

What paper work you need:
A Train order graph, this is a matrix with all the siding in the subject territory listed across the top of the sheet, and time listing down the sheet for a twenty four hour day.

A TC12 form, this form is used for any train about to enter a train order territory. This form will list all the trains currently in the subject terriory and their last know location or when they are expected to depart a certain station.

A train order book, each transaction or order requires the Train Controller to issue an order for each train, and the Train Crew will repeat back the order verbily, the Train Controller will confirm that the order was repeated back correctly. Thus in this situation the Train Controller and the Train Crew both need to have a Train Order book.

How it works roughly:
Without going into details, this is how a normal every operational day would be for Alice Springs the proposed model layout.
The Train controller, will receive a request from a Train #166 at Alice Springs, requesting a train order to Barcoola.

The Train controller will then Get the crew and Train details. IE each member of the Crew, the locomotives number of wagons, tonnage and length in metres. Once these details are confirmed, the Train controller will issue a TC12, which will advise any trains currently in the controlled Territory or expected to enter the territory. In this case, the TC12 issued shows that #347 engine DL40 has been given order N1 to proceed to Bow River yard limit board. Last reported though Barcoola at 10:00.

The controller then issued order to #166 at Alice Springs as follows:
Train order number N2 is issued to the Train crew of Train number #166 engine EL61 at Alice Springs Proceed to Bow River take crossing loop, cross train number #347 engine DL40. Train number #347 has not yet been issued, this was received at Alice Springs Time 11:00.
The Train crew of #166 would then repeat back order N2 to control and if complete and correct, the train controller will confirm that order N2 is complete.

This means that #347 has an order to Bow River, and #166 only has an order to the southern yard limit at Bow River.

Train control will then contact #166 and issue the following order:
Train order N3 is issued to the train crew of #347 at the yard limit Bow River, After forfilling train order N1, proceed to Bow River take Mainline, cross train number #166 engine EL61, then proceed to Alice Springs, Train order N2 has been issued to train number #166 engine EL61 to take the crossing loop at Bow River. This was received enroute at 12:00.

The Train controller will then issue an order to #166.
Train order N4 is issued to the train crew of #166 engine EL61 at Bow River, after forfilling Train order N2, proceed to Barcoola take branchline, report when clear at Barcoola.

An this is just a start.

Anyway this is just a little in-site, and be aware that this does not reflect current rules. If I have missed anything, please feel free to comment.



Barcoola Rolling stock AQTY AFIY AFWY

Hi All

Here are some pix of some AQTY AFIY and AFWY's, One ex walthers 89ft, two ex Athearn 86ft flats.

The AQTY is built from a Steam Era VQCY kit, the 40ft Madson container is a walthers purchased as is. The 20ft container, is a Aline undecorated repainted yellow and custom decals "ASP bulk" The SPD 40ft half pack is a Photograph, attached to a purpose cut to size piece of wood. Wagon decals are custom, the rad spots are to designate high speed bogies.

The first wagon is a Walthers 89ft flat cut down to 86ft. The Fadelli and Woolies trailers are Trainorama, Photos of the actual trucks have been glued to the sides.

The second and third are Athearn 86ft. The trailers are again from Trainorama. The Woolworths Trailer is a BGM decal from a Tautliner. The Railex and the Ansett trailers are from Photos.

The "suitable to run in WA" decals etc are custom decals. The first two wagons have been painted a weathered green from the start, with Green you will find that the sun leaches out the yellow from the green, thus to make "pre-weathered" green, you need to add white and a touch of blue. Most of the AFIYs and AQTYs were painted in batches using six different weathered variations of green. Thus when in a consist you get the look of wagons in various different stages of weathering.

Finally a prototype shot of a Railex NT container. We have made a custom decal for this, and is part of the Barcoola roster. Most questions we get a exhibitions, in regard to this container "is it real?" we we can tell you without a doubt yes it is real.

Anyway enjoy.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Barcoola rolling stock AFIYs

Hi All

The AN AFIY's were imported from the USA in 1986, in as is where is condition. Most were in TTX yellow others in brown, off loaded at Port Adelaide, and hauled to Port Augusta for repainting and service before entry into service. These wagons became available due to road laws changed in the USA which allowed 45ft trailers in universal service. Thus the 89ft flats could fit the new trailers but the 86ft TOFC cars became virtually obsolete overnight, AN therefore picked up these wagons, which could comfortably fit two 40ft. AN pushed these wagons into intermodal service to Alice Springs and Perth with great success's. AN purchased 45 wagons of 6 different designs. One of these designs is the straight C channel sided, this model can be effectively produced from a Walthers 89ft flat kit. I think this version is now out of production, with Walthers now producing the flat top version.
Attached are some shots of a couple of Walther 89ft flats that have been cut down to 86ft. With the kit, the first item to cut down is the weight. Drill a new hole for the repositioned bolster, then measuring back you can re cut the gap for the coupler pocket. To keep the integral strength of the wagon, cut the sections up in uneven locations. once you have cut all the sections up as shown, test fit the pieces to ensure that they fit. Please see additional picture, with an Athearn 86ft flat to show the new measurement.
In the walthers kit comes with different types of fifth wheel. For this version you will need the older fifth wheel, note the air jackscrew fitting on the base, this is the one you need to fit to your AFIY.
Finally to satisfy Doug's obsession with prototype pictures, please see three shots of the design for which the walthers flat car can be based on.

An there you have it an evening project that can give you another distinctive AN wagon.

We can discuss weathering etc later.



Sunday, October 10, 2010

Baroola ultra modern a preview

Hi All

Please see attached a couple of shots during 2005, this includes a shot of the ultra modern Ghan, note the original configuration of the yard.
And a shot of an 830 that way built by a bloke from i think from southern QLD, we met at the Sydney Exhibtion he had put so much effort into this model I just had to get a shot.

I had contacted AMRM, to see if would be worthy of an article but it went nowhere, pity I thought he had done a great job.

Anyway, enjoy.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

barcoola site changes

Hi All

I have made a few changes to the barcoola website, this includes links to other web sites, and most popular posts feature. So enjoy the new changes, and feel free to browse.

Attached are some shots of Barcoola MKI at the 2005 Sydney exhibition.

This includes some shots of Ginacood hotel, and a AP5 crossing 166, and a shot of the fiddle yard, with the ooooodles of wagons etc, that are required to populate Barcoola. Our applogies for the mess, with the reliabilty program for rolling stock introduced in 2009, and the addition of DCC, less bad order wagons occur, and the Pepsi obsession.
Can you spot who is who in this shot?

