Monday, December 29, 2014

Designing a Pilbara layout part two

Hi All

The arrival of the Bowser C636 has given me a stack of inspiration for designing a Pilbara layout, i had previously posted a BHP and HI dual layout.

This was way back in 2012, and i have had a lot of time to figure out how to make this all happen.
The big problem i was struggling with was the empty and loaded operations, sneaking back tracks etc, which usually meant that there was always operations that were not really prototypical.  Or if i modelled one end ie a mine this would mean mid session i would have to unload all the cars from the hidden sidings, this is where they would fail.

On the flip side modelling a mine and a port would take up a lot of space.  Placing them back to back would solve this in the short term. However again the problem is the feeding the empties and loadeds through in a realistic fashion while only modelling half of the port and half of the mine and making it work.

I then came across some shots of Mt Newman Mining operations when they first started in 1969, now this is extremely gettable! Five C636s and two F7 for power and a stack of second hand cars and the dumper.  I was looking at the buildings and I swear they are straight from the walthers catalogue!

So the results of the doodling process is the plan below.

This will fit in the current layout room, and to give you and idea of the operational concept of this layout as follows:

ore cars would be manually be loaded at the mine by placing an ore 'lump' as the crew loads the train. This can be done in reverse, through the dumper, there is a prototype for this at Newman.

Having the crew load the train and dump the train, will mean that they can't cheat by doing too quickly.

Trains of about 15 ft, should be easily handled, however larger trains can be worked, just needs to be one large train.  Thus could have the mid train helpers etc.

Unloading will need to be done two cars at a time as they go though the dumper.  This could be mechanised, in the future.

There is plenty of space for ancillary trains such as fuel and supply trains to the mine.  These will have to be marshalled at the port, and then shunted at the mine, tankers decanted and returned to the port.

ballast sidings at the intermediate crossing loop, this means that ballast trains can operate over the line with meaning, place to originate from and depart to.

locomotive and ore car workshops are great operational functions.

Early operations were controlled via train order.

i would look at this layout being able to model multiple eras and locations.  Mt Newman early and late. BHP, around 1992.  Robe, early and late.  With a change of bridge board, could also HI Alcos.

anyway lots to think about and locomotives to finish off, rolling stock, i will keep it bubbling away in the background.

i will keep this plan in my head and just have to crack the 3d printing learnings so that i can get some decent ore cars.

I will post some inspirational shots later, thanks scott 

Friday, December 26, 2014

HO scale working rotary dumper, need one form my Pilbara layout

Hi All

Check out this working rotary dumper, here is the link.

Way too cool!  Thanks scott

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Alice Springs operating session december 2014 sunday 28th of december

hi all

I am going to have one final operating session in 2014, i have figured that Sunday the 28th of December would be easy.  So regular operators if you feel inclined, rock around about 13:00 for lunch and ops, catch up etc.
Slight change of date, due to a maranting issue (the brother), shop on saturday maranate and cook on sunday!

Cya then scott

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

review of Bowser Alco C636 locomotive with sound

Hi All

Well the Bowser Alco C636s have arrived!
I got a selection of sound and non sound units.
They were purchased to convert into Aussie C636s.

Mt Newman Mining purchased 17 model C636s and Hamersley Iron purchased 12.

The details:
Bowser has made the units with individual details, for example the demo models have the correct lighting arrangement.
individual wire handrails, lift rings, windscreen wipers, mirrors etc.
The walkway handrails are as per the C630 and c630M, quite fine and fairly robust, however they are not delrin, not a problem for me as I will be repainting it anyway.

These models are detail rich and Bowser should be proud of there work.

 The radiators don't match the Aussie C636s they are a little short, the core should be right to the end almost touch the B end sand hatch.

 the panels below the radiator have a see through grille, however given the arrangement, of sound equipment etc, this is backed by a piece of styrene,  Might see if this is easy to daylight!
 The air induction fan is behind a grille, this is removable, if you are careful.
 Yup the amber flashing light works, and note the firecracker Arial.

 The bogie gap can be clearly seen in these two shots.  This will be corrected in the next shipment.
there are replacement bogies and fuel tanks coming at no cost!  Which will drop this unit to the correct hight.  Well done Bowser!

 Overall of the roof.
 The A and B ends.

 The A end lighting, the lights have a slow glow, so they slow build up just like the prototype.
 the wires for the flashing amber light.

 the Sound equipped mechanism and speakers, very little difference between this and the C630 arrangement.
 Lok sound is now fitted and compared to the c630, which I though was more than acceptable, the C636 sound needs to be heard to be believed, I have added a video on my Barcoola facebook site.
You might need to be a member, but its worth the look and listen.
 Details on the mechanism.

Given that I am going to strip and repaint these locomotives, I was not too fused about the details, I selected the IC unit as I figured that it would be easier to repaint.
The white, is some light seems a little thick, but at least the white is a good coverage, one of the hardest colours to paint!  more than one coat required.

The IC unit will be repainted in Mt Newman livery and the SP&S unit into I think HI.

The operation of the locomotives are smooth, more about getting used of the settings, the sound treatment and the lighting are spot on.
Given the bogies and fuel tank are going to be changed out to lower them, the second run will be a wanted item for sure.

The verdict.
Yup, I would purchase another C636, on the basis of these models, In fact I have some of the second run on order!

Another Pilbara locomotive can now be modelled so that is a good thing, I have already broken out the pens and graph paper for a layout!  Stand by!

The C636 sound and details are an improvement over the C630.  Bowser is going the right direction, again big two thumbs up guys!

Its interesting that the USA market can produce a model of locomotive of which only 37 were made in the USA, and 29 were built in Australia!
Sub 300 USD with sound, nice.

Anyway I will be modifying and repainting these, more Pilbara locos on the way!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

YouTube video of AFIYs arriving at outer harbour

Hi All

Here is an interesting youtube clip of the AFIYs arrivng at outer harbour, they are jamed in there tight.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Trains and ghost towns of the Nullarbor youtube video 1990

Hi All

Just saw this video on youtube, Facebook finally made itself usefull,
There are shots of Malbooma, Barton, Reid etc, and there are some decent train shots, they film the entire train, so good research, they snaffled the Bomber, SP3 AP5, AP8 PS2 Etc.  Looks like a bloke and his girlfriend did the trip in 1990, so spot on for my modelling era, only had to wait the 24 years for the youtube post!  well worth the look.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Barcoola goings on.

Hi All

Just to let you all know what is going on, I have been a little busy dealing with a mates estate, long story, lots of work, FA personal time!

Anyway, we have some good news, the Pilbara cabs finally arrived, I have been collecting some Atlas Dash-8s with sound.  So this will be a great little project making some CM39-8 and CM40-8.

We also had a successful operating session, Dave, Roger John and Katie, thanks all was great.
We issued four train orders, thanks to Glen for the orders.
We only did one 347 and half assembled 166.

 Here is 166, ready for consisting.

 DL39 on the Ghan and AN4 on 166 in the Barcoola storage sidings.
Here is a modern image project an ALF body from Dave Luketic modified to accept a CL mechanism, should be another project.


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

the 2014 drink drive world tour final

Hi All

Here is a selection of the last couple of shots from the 2014 drink drive world tour.  thanks to Dave, Doug and Glen, nice work guys it was a blast!

 This Freightliner job was on a mission, doing line speed at every chance.

Enjoy Scott

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Drink Drive world tour 2014 part 3

Hi All

After the Sydney exhibition we went north, it had been a long time between drinks, checking out the coal roads.  Wow things have really changed, QRN is here to stay!

 90 class locomotives now only seem to come in threes, I guess you can only buy them pre weathered and in a 3 pack?

 All I can say is QRN is everywhere up here.
 crew self portrait!
 And Glen has his own train, Glencore!  No Scottcore, Davecore or Dougcore, just Glencore.

 Blue or black?
 Desert runners, now working a Pelton Coal job, as the crew accept the modern version of NSW train control operations. Oh the indignity!

 If you weathered this in model form like this, people would say you have gone too far!

 TTs off the Mt Thorley branch.

 TT double cross?
 Interesting QRN cross over livery on this one.
 I am guessing the fiddle yard is just around the corner, and it is filling up, the join in the photo backdrop is well hidden!
 QRN job has an audience.
Too bloody hot to bother taking shots of three TTs I sort of agree with Dave, you can see Doug on the other abutment!  Glen we should have been in the Pub!

Enjoy Scott